Startups and Academia – Career paths, funding programs and support at German Universities

Both early- and mid-career researchers, particularly those working in STEM fields, often hit a crossroad when they have to ask themselves whether they should pursue an academic career or work for a startup company. While choosing one career path over the other comes with certain expectations as far as job security, research opportunities, and workload are concerned, the decision to start your own company or work for a startup does not necessarily have to exclude other career opportunities. Moreover, and in part due to the current pandemic, job markets might look different in the foreseeable future, placing a premium on developing flexible and adaptable career goals. Our panel of experts who work in academia and in knowledge and technology transfer as well as in the startup sector on both sides of the Atlantic will introduce different career options and, based on their own experiences, address some of the following questions:

– What are the pros and cons of working in academia or in the startup sector? How will I be able to sail smoothly from academia to startups? How can I combine career paths?

– When pursuing a career outside of academia, how do you connect with current or future university colleagues? How do you start out in startups and keep up a strong publication record?

– How do you turn your research or your idea into a startup? What are the skills that make you a successful entrepreneur?

  • Dr. Tim Brühn, Project Head, Corporate Entrepreneurship, TecUp, Paderborn University
  • Lisa Getzler, Director, Baker Institute for Entrepreneurship, Lehigh University
  • Dr. Ronald Kriedel, Centre for Entrepreneurship and Transfer, CET, TU Dortmund
  • Thomas Sattelberger, MP, Spokesperson for FDP Parliamentary Group on Innovation, Education and Research
  • Moderators: Peter Rosenbaum, University Alliance Ruhr, New York and Katja Simons, Campus OWL New York