Pre-GAIN19: Postdoc and Early Career Researcher Speed Dating

8:00 – 9:30 Uhr

Bitte registrieren Sie sich für die Workshops in Converve.

Improv for Life: Essential Skills for Any Career

Olympic Room

“Improv for Life” offers an interactive introduction to the core concepts of improvisational theater. Through playful exercises, participants will become aware of their personal communication styles, discover how to be more resilient in challenging situations, and strengthen their creative impulses.These are powerful skills for early career researchers, enabling them to better tap into their potential, explore possible career paths, and boost their natural confidence.

  • Elena Lichtenthaler, Visiting Scholar, University of California, Berkeley
  • Dr. Martin R. Lichtenthaler, Visiting Scholar, University of California, Berkeley
Introduction to Designing Your Life

Elizabethan D

“Introduction to Designing Your Life” applies the innovation principles of Design Thinking to designing one’s life and career. This 90-minute workshop introduces participants to the mindsets and methods for exploring their personal and professional lives more strategically and comprehensively. During the workshop, participants will engage in hands-on activities to surface new insights about their personal and professional lives.
You will have the opportunity to:
  • Identify types of work that are aligned with your interests
  • Assess specific areas of your life in order to make incremental changes
  • Expand your capacity to generate actionable ideas for impactful change
  • Develop a process and mindset to approach your life with curiosity and creativity


  • Dr. Joann Halpern, Director, Hasso Plattner Institute, New York
  • Susie Kavanaugh, Columbia University in the City of New York
Post-it Science

Elizabethan A

How do you present your science without really presenting your science? Learn how to be efficient with time and to present your science with limited supplies – literally one Post-it. This networking workshop will teach you to talk about your science effectively while meeting and interacting with fellow scientists. No need to prepare anything: we will have the Post-its, you just need to bring your brain and enthusiasm!
  • Dr. Lise Barbé, Gladstone Institutes, Gladstone Institute for Neurological Disease
  • Prof. Dr. Matthias Kaminski, Assistant Professor, Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Alabama