
Saturday, Sept. 8, 2018
4:30 pm  – 5:30 pm
Salon F

Keynote Speaker
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sami Haddadin
Chair of Robotics Science and System Intelligence
Joint Appointment with the Department of Informatics

Sami Haddadin is Full Professor of Robotics Science and Systems Intelligence at the Technical University of Munich (TUM), Germany. He is also the founding director of TUM’s Munich School of Robotics and Machine Intelligence. His research topics include robot design, physical Human-Robot Interaction, non-linear robot control, robot learning, real-time motion and reflex planning, optimal control, human motor control, and safe robotics. One of Sami’s goals is to bring human-safe and AI-enabled tactile robotics to the real world. His achievements encompass, e.g., human-centered robots with an artificial sense of touch that can safely interact with the world and learn during these interactions how to self improve.

His Munich-based robotics start-up FRANKA EMIKA pursues the vision of robots becoming the next level of tools that make our lives easier and recently brought the high performance, safe and affordable soft robotics platform Panda to market. Sami received degrees in EE, CS and Technology Management from TUM and LMU. He obtained his PhD from RWTH Aachen. He published more than 130 scientific articles and among others won several awards at the top robotics conferences and journals. He is a recipient of the 2015 IEEE/RAS Early Career Award, the 2015 RSS Early Career Spotlight, the 2015 Alfied-Krupp-Award and in 2017 of the German President’s Award for Innovation in Science and Technology.