Career Advice for International Researchers


You are interested in pursuing a scientific career in Germany? Germany offers a wide range of opportunities to continue your research – in universities, in non-university research institutions, and in industry. Various institutions and organizations provide information to help international researchers plan their stay in Germany.

Assistance to mobile researchers

EURAXESS - Researchers in Motion

EURAXESS – Researchers in Motion is a unique pan-European initiative delivering information and support services to professional researchers. Backed by the European Union, member states and associated countries, it supports researcher mobility and career development, while enhancing scientific collaboration between Europe and the world.

For more information, follow the link: EURAXESS – Researchers in Motion


EURAXESS Germany provides information and assistance to mobile researchers via its portal and with the support of the national EURAXESS centres. The portal contains practical information concerning professional and daily life in Germany, as well as information on job and funding opportunities.

For more information, follow the link: EURAXESS Germany

European Liaison Office of the German Research Organisations (KoWi)

The “European Liaison Office of the German Research Organisations” (KoWi) is the joint service platform of the German research organisations united in the “Association for the Promotion of European and International Cooperation in Science e.V.”. As a Central Research Facility, KoWi is financed by the German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, DFG) with offices located in Bonn and Brussels. It provides information, advice and training on the wide range of EU research funding programmes.

For more information, follow the link: KoWi

State Career Services

Baden-Württemberg International (bw-i)

Baden-Württemberg International (bw-i) lends support to domestic and foreign companies, research institutions and universities by serving as the central first point-of-contact in all questions relating to internationalization.

On their careers platform for science and research, you can find job offers of Baden-Württemberg’s institutions of higher education and research institutes as well as other employers that are of interest for your academic career. This service is offered in cooperation with academics, the largest career portal for science and research in Germany.

For more information, follow the link: Baden-Württemberg International

Berlin Partner for Business and Technology

Berlin Partner for Business and Technology supports companies and scientists who want to move to and work in Berlin.  Brain City Berlin provides an overview of the science hub Berlin, offers insights into the latest research issues and news from the Berlin science scene and introduces you to their ambassadors.

For more information, follow the link: Berlin Partner for Business and Technology

Research in Bavaria

Research in Bavaria

Research in Bavaria is an initiative launched by Bavarian universities and the Bavarian State Ministry of Science and the Arts.
It targets young academics from all over the world, in particular potential doctoral candidates and post-doctoral researchers, as well as guest lecturers. The idea is to spark their interest in academic and scientific opportunities in the region, to put them in touch with their peers at Bavarian universities, and thereby promote international scientific exchange.

Research in Bavaria consists of an online information portal, featuring a research database, a blog with contributions by international researchers and selected research news.
Jobs are regularly posted on Twitter and Facebook.

For more information, follow the link: Research in Bavaria

Dual Career and Family

Dual Career Network Germany (DCND)

The Dual Career Network Germany (DCND) is a network of dual career services at German universities, higher education institutions and non-university scientific institutions as well as regional dual career networks with a link to the scientific landscape. It aims to strengthen the exchange of experience and competence within their network and to increase visibility on an international level. For dual career partners, the DCND provides a map with their members and direct links to the respective dual career services.

For more information, follow the link: Dual Career Network Germany

Work and Family

Are you coming to Germany with your partner and children? Research in Germany provides information about childcare services, the German school system and financial support for families.

For more information, follow the link: Research in Germany

Information on Life and Legislation in Germany

Central Office for Foreign Education (ZAB)

The Central Office for Foreign Education (ZAB) is the central authority for the evaluation of foreign qualifications in Germany. These include school-leaving certificates, vocational qualifications and academic degrees. The ZAB provides services for educational institutions, public authorities and individuals. Each year more than 80000 enquiries are answered.

For more information, follow the link: Central Office for Foreign Education

German Embassy and Consulates

Germany has nine diplomatic missions in the United States: the Embassy in Washington, D.C. and the Consulates General in Atlanta, Boston, Chicago, Houston, Los Angeles, Miami, New York und San Francisco. Each mission covers specific states and counties. The diplomatic missions offer a variety of services, especially in the area of ​​legal and consular matters (passport, identity card, visa).

The Consulates General in Boston and San Francisco also have special contact persons who are specifically addressing the needs of scientists in the Bay Area, Boston and Cambridge.

For more information, follow the link: German Embassy and Consulates

Make it in Germany

Make it in Germany provides extensive information about immigration and visa procedures, job-hunting and everyday life in Germany. Entrepreneurs and researchers can find information specific to their field and their career chances in Germany. The site also points out the advantages of training or studying in Germany.

For more information, follow the link: Make it in Germany

International Placement Services (IPS)

The Federal Employment Agency,  the largest provider of labour market services in Germany, offers International Placement Services (Zentrale Auslands- und Fachvermittlung, ZAV) for those who think about working in Germany. The service assists in taking the correct decisions while preparing a future stay in Germany. The International Personnel Service offers comprehensive information on working and living in Germany and helps you find a job.

Gender Equality

Equality Policy

The Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (BMFSFJ) promotes the equality of women and youth. On their English website you can find background information on Germany’s Equality Policies.

For more information, follow the link: Equality Policy

Online Portal StaRQ

The online portal StaRQ (Standards, Guidelines and Quality Assurance for Gender Equality in Science) provides search tools and information on the topic of quality assurance of gender equality measures and serves as a virtual platform to promote exchange and networking.

For more information, follow the link: Online Portal StaRQ

Liaison offices of German universities

Campus OWL

Campus OWL is a network of five higher education institutions in East Westphalia-Lippe, Germany.

The New York based liaison office promotes opportunities for study and research and facilitates collaboration with North American partner institutions. Campus OWL represents a variety of different university types (universities, universities of applied sciences, university of music) with locations in Bielefeld, Detmold, Gütersloh, Höxter, Lemgo, Minden and Paderborn and altogether over 65,000 students and more than 500 study programs in all academic fields.

Member institutions are: Bielefeld UniversityPaderborn UniversityBielefeld University of Applied SciencesOWL University of Applied Sciences and Arts, and Detmold University of Music.


Fresenius University of Applied Sciences

Fresenius University of Applied Sciences developed out of the chemical laboratory founded by Carl Remigius Fresenius in 1848 and can look back on more than 160 years of private educational tradition in Germany. It is the oldest educational institution of its kind in the field of chemistry. In the spirit of its founder, the university unites teaching, research and practice. The name Fresenius stands for practice-oriented teaching with closely linked applied research and development. This applies to the traditional department of Chemistry & Biology as well as to the two newly established faculties of Health & Social Affairs and Business & Media in 1997/98, as well as to the new Design Department, which was integrated in 2013.

German Higher Education Bridge (GHEB) is the North American liaison office of Fresenius University of Applied Sciences which has campuses in Berlin, Cologne, Dusseldorf, Frankfurt, Hamburg, Heidelberg, Idstein, Munich and Wiesbaden and a study center in New York City. Inaugurated in 2016, the study center in midtown Manhattan runs integrated semester abroad programs with institutional partners, administers student and faculty exchange, as well as develops short-term programs for outgoing and incoming students.


Heidelberg University Association

Heidelberg University is one of the top-ranking locations in the world of international science and scholarship. In more than 620 years of higher learning and outstanding innovative research, Germany’s oldest university has become an international synonym for academic excellence.

Heidelberg University Association in New York supports Heidelberg University’s strong transatlantic academic co-operations, student and faculty exchange as well as the close ties between Heidelberg and its Alumni in North America.


Technical University of Darmstadt

TU Darmstadt has built a high quality network of 20 well-chosen international universities on the North American continent; that is in Canada and the US. The initiation of the TU Darmstadt North America Office in January 2019 marked a new level of cooperation and engagement on the continent.

After a first successful year at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (VT) in 2019, the North America Office moves to the University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA) as of January 2020.

In this second year, the office’s focus lies on research collaborations with UTSA and other US/Canadian partners. Fields such as Cyber Security, Artificial Intelligence, Future Energy Systems and Entrepreneurship are global topics of the future. Through transatlantic co-operations, it will be possible to enhance the access to better lives on both sides of the Atlantic as well as to add to the education and training of the future generation of leaders in science, economy and politics.

The second year thus ties in seamlessly after a first year of foundational work in the field of student mobility. Through the proximity to the US/Canadian partners, it was possible to think student exchange with all partners in North America more holistically, to streamline application processes and to newly develop formats of exchange.

The office’s function will remain to serve as the contact point for all partners in North America. It is able to dedicate time and space for visionary and consolidating dialogues and talks. Its goal is to strengthen and deepen the existing partnerships and to make them more visible.

Thus, the office assists in developing programs and projects, initiating research cooperation and advertising student exchange. Furthermore, the North America Office represents TU Darmstadt at conferences, fairs and networking events, as well as via university visits and other activities in the region.


Technical University of Munich (TUM)

The Technical University of Munich (TUM) is one of Europe’s top universities. It is committed to excellence in research and teaching, interdisciplinary education and the active promotion of promising young scientists. The university also forges strong links with companies and scientific institutions across the world. The 14 departments of TUM provide an excellent environment for research and for the education of 40,841 students, 35% of them women. TUM was one of the first universities in Germany to be named a University of Excellence. Moreover, TUM regularly ranks among the best European universities in international rankings.

TUM’s North America office in San Francisco is one of six liaison offices in addition to Beijing, Brussels, Mumbai, Cairo and São Paulo. Its mission is to promote TUM’s educational, scientific and technological excellence in North America. The office serves as a hub to connect scientists, researchers, entrepreneurs and other stakeholders to facilitate research cooperation and knowledge exchange, and it helps to intensify exchange relationships. It also maintains the relationship between TUM and its alumni across North America.


UAS7 German Universities of Applied Sciences

UAS7 is a strategic alliance of seven leading German Universities of Applied Sciences (UAS) committed to excellence in teaching and research and close cooperation with German businesses and industries.

UAS7 represents a broad variety of about 600 degree programs at the undergraduate and graduate levels. Our 100,000 students, 4000 full-time faculty members and several thousand part-time lecturers study, teach and research in seven of Germany’s most dynamic cities: Berlin, Bremen, Cologne, Hamburg, Munich, Münster and Osnabrück. UAS7 offers degree programs in the fields of engineering and sciences, business and management, economics, social work, as well as architecture, art and design.

The UAS7 Liaison Office in New York administers student and faculty exchange programs for UAS7 and North American students (including the UAS7 Study and Internship Program), and promotes Undergraduate and Graduate Programs as well as Summer and Winter Schools to students in North America.

Member institutions are: Berlin School of Economics and Law, Bremen City University of Applied Sciences, Hamburg University of Applied Sciences, TH Köln – University of Applied Sciences, Munich University of Applied Sciences, FH Münster – University of Applied Sciences, and Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences.


University Alliance Ruhr (UA Ruhr)

The University Alliance Ruhr (UA Ruhr) is an alliance of the Ruhr-Universität Bochum, TU Dortmund University and the University of Duisburg-Essen. The UA Ruhr Liaison Office New York represents these three universities in North America.

With over 120,000 students, 1,300 professors and nearly 14,000 researchers, UA Ruhr represents one of the largest and high-performing research locations in Germany. UA Ruhr New York promotes, supports and facilitates academic collaborations between the three Ruhr Universities and partners in the United States and Canada.


University of Cologne

The University of Cologne, founded in 1388, is a research university at highest level and one of the oldest and largest universities in Europe. The six faculties of University of Cologne have developed internationally outstanding research profiles in a broad variety of fields. Its core mission is to create, preserve and disseminate knowledge, to provide a high level of education and to encourage and support top-level research embedded by a scientific environment of four Max-Planck-Institutes and two further research centers in Cologne. The New York office reports to the award-winning International Office and helps launch partnerships with North American universities. It organizes delegation visits and serves as a first point of contact for faculty and students in the United States and Canada who are interested in the University of Cologne. Finally, it assists with the organisation of the University of Cologne’s summer school in New York and reaches out to the University’s network of German and international alumni residing in the United States or Canada.


University of Freiburg

Over 25,000 students are currently enrolled at the University of Freiburg, enjoying student life in one of Germany’s most beautiful university cities. The University of Freiburg set up Friends of Freiburg Alumni North America to ensure that former students could maintain their academic and personal links with their “old” university even after their studies had ended. The Liaison Office New York is a point of contact for former students of all faculties, nationalities and generations. Active and emeritus professors and employees of the university are also part of the alumni community. The aim of Friends of Freiburg Alumni North America is to establish a global alumni network with the university’s some 250,000 former students.


Networks and Associations

German Association of University Professors and Lecturers

The German Association of University Professors and Lecturers (Deutscher Hochschulverband, in short DHV) represents more than 30.000 members. It provides comprehensive information and services for university professors and up-and-coming academics in Germany.

For more information, follow the link: DHV

Science Management Network

The Science Management Network engages in the professionalization and public recognition of young experts working in the field of science management at universities and non-university research institutions. It provides a platform for networking, organizes a large annual convention, and co-operates with a wide range of individual as well as institutional partners. Its regional groups and expert working groups pursue various activities – ranging from peer-to-peer trainings and field trips to political lobbying.

For more information, follow the link: Science Management Network