Campus OWL (Bielefeld University, Paderborn University, Bielefeld University of Applied Sciences, TH OWL, Hochschule für Musik Detmold)
Campus OWL is a network of five higher education institutions in OstWestfalenLippe (OWL), Germany – Bielefeld University, Paderborn University, Bielefeld University of Applied Sciences, OWL University of Applied Sciences and Arts, and Detmold University of Music. With locations in Bielefeld, Detmold, Gütersloh, Höxter, Lemgo, Minden and Paderborn, Campus OWL is an important science location with over 65,000 students and more than 500 study programs in all academic fields. The collaboration of universities and a wide variety of high-performance companies makes OWL an important research location.
Stand number: 26